The Government has announced that the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust is being awarded almost £1.5M for a new mental health hub.
The project aims to co-locate ‘Integrated Multi-Agency Prevention and Assessment of Crisis Teams’ (IMPACT), bringing together a number of statutory and non-statutory services in a modular building housed on the Royal Cornwall Hospitals site. From this modular ‘hub’, the RHCT Safeguarding team will develop their integrated approach to care, delivering a responsive, stream-lined service to people who are vulnerable to, experiencing, or recovering from mental health crisis.
Co-located services will include safeguarding (adults, children and midwifery), psychiatric liaison, complex care and dementia, social care teams, addaction (drug and alcohol services), Shelter (housing), SEAP (advocacy services), peri-natal mental health, child and adolescent mental health services, and Police. They will provide opportunities for rapid assessment, expert advice, and support and care planning, in order to reduce frequent attendances at A&E, and avoid the need for admission in acute mental health settings during work hours.
George said “This is excellent news for Cornwall. £1.5M for a mental health hub will allow better integration of services, and will take pressure off A&E. This new investment is in addition to the investment previously announced for a young people’s mental health unit in Bodmin”.