Thousands of young people across Cornwall will benefit from new mental health support including counselling, mentoring and arts programmes as part of the government’s commitment to transforming mental health care.
Earlier this year the government pledged to overhaul society’s approach to mental illness through better access to education, training and support across communities. This included a commitment to train all teachers to spot the signs of mental illness in children, making sure they can intervene before issues escalate.
The funding will allow more children and young people aged 25 and under to access local services to support their mental health, with early intervention for those at risk of mental health problems. The projects have an emphasis on improving access to support outside of NHS services.
Here in the South West, Young People Cornwall will receive over £65,000 to expand their 'Hear Our Voice' project employ additional practitioners to work with young people. The‘Hear Our Voice’ project, was set up in 1997 and provides children and young people aged 11-25 experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing with access to support through a range of interventions in non-clinical, school & community settings. Their expansion will employ two additional Well-being Practitioners (WP) who will be able to work with CYP aged 8-10 years, supporting CYP at an earlier stage, before emerging mental health issues escalate or reach a point where statutory services must intervene.
George Eustice, MP for Camborne, Redruth and Hayle said, "This announcement of funding is great news for all who have worked in the 'Hear Our Voice' project. The extra money will enable a greater number of children to be supported and ensure that this great project can continue to help more children in the years to come. There is a growing realisation that mental health is complex but this is a good step forward in helping those who need it the most."
You can read a recent article that George wrote on the expansion of Mental Health services at Treliske at:…
Further information about the Government's commitment to supporting children's and young people's health at:…