In a peninsula like Cornwall, there will always be challenges to building resilient public transport infrastructure. However, some good progress has been made in the last few years. We have invested to improve our railways and there is now a regular half-hourly service running through Cornwall which has led to a significant increase in passenger numbers.
In the past, I have written about the plans to introduce Britain’s first SuperBus network here in Cornwall. The network was part of the government’s plans to reverse the impacts of dwindling services in local towns and drive forward a bus revolution that will improve access for everyone.
The pioneering investment will direct support towards more frequent public transport in the countryside, introducing new apps that will improve the information available to commuters whilst also ensuring that the bus fleets will be cleaner, more environmentally friendly, and better integrated with our train network.
Since being elected, I have prioritised economic regeneration and green recovery. Investing in and improving the public transport system for Cornwall is a significant step forward in ensuring that our local communities are supported and connected. I join the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Transport in encouraging more people to use our growing bus network, supporting both businesses and residents alike, driving regeneration across the whole Camborne and Redruth area.
Over the last several years, there have been significant investments to improve the signalling on the main rail line through Cornwall with a view to improving the reliability of the regular services. Since I was elected, I have been fighting to get an upgrade to the “Night Riviera” sleeper service, which is now being introduced. I am a regular and devoted user of the sleeper service, using it every weekend to get down to Camborne. I know how important the service can be for businesses and visitors alike and I am pleased that it will be able to provide more capacity and better facilities to compete with other forms of transport.
I believe would be very beneficial would be the reopening of the Carn Brea Railway Station in Pool. The station had been a stop on the Cornish Main Line since the 1800s, however, it closed in the 1960s along with many other stations following the Beeching Reports.
The reopening of the station would offer many benefits to the local community. Since the station closed in the 1960s, the local area has developed significantly. We have seen Pool transformed over the last few years with new businesses setting up at the Pool Innovation Centre, a makeover for the college and, of course, the completion of Heartlands which includes many new homes. In addition, the area around Pool has become something of a local retail hub with many travelling some distance to make use of the new shops and retail spaces, this all strengthens the case for a new train station at Carn Brea. I will continue to support this campaign and despite the disappointing news that we were unsuccessful in our application to the 'Restoring your Railways fund', I firmly believe that the facility should be restored in the future.
On Buses, some good progress has been made in the last few years. In the past, I have written about the plans to introduce Britain’s first SuperBus network here in Cornwall. The network was part of the government’s plans to reverse the impacts of dwindling services in local towns and drive forward a bus revolution that will improve access for everyone.
The pioneering investment will direct support towards more frequent public transport in the countryside, introducing new apps that will improve the information available to commuters whilst also ensuring that the bus fleets will be cleaner, more environmentally friendly, and better integrated with our train network.
In March of 2021, the Government published the new Bus Back Better plan. This was a post-pandemic National bus strategy that set out how we would fundamentally overall our transport system with a view to making it more accessible. As part of this announcement, Cornwall was awarded £23.5 million to develop and launch a Bus Service Improvement Plan for the county.
From next Monday, 11th April, Cornwall Council will be launching a new pilot under the Bus Service Improvement Plan called ‘Make Big Savings by Bus’. This new scheme will fundamentally change the fare structure of buses in Cornwall, saving the average consumer up to 1/3 on the cost of their journey. For instance, a journey between Camborne and Redruth, or a ‘short-hop fare’ will be reduced by up to 20%, while a longer journey, such as Camborne to Truro will see a reduction of around 40% in some cases.
Furthermore, the Transport Portfolio holder, Cllr Phillip Desmond, and his team have been working hard with all the bus companies across Cornwall over the last 6 months to create a new day pass for unlimited travel across Cornwall that works on any bus service. This new pass will cost just £5 a day or £20 a week and allow for limitless travel on the bus network across the Duchy.
You can find a full copy of the new West Cornwall TimeTable HERE. I will continue to work with stakeholders in the bus companies and in Cornwall Council to ensure that services meet residents' expectations and as with any issue, I encourage constituents to rasie any particular concerns with myself or Cllr Desmonde.
I support the efforts by Highways England and Cornwall Council to improve our road infrastructure. I am always happy to speak with any residents or community groups that have particular concerns about roads or road safety.
I hold regular surgeries in my office in Camborne and if you have a case that you would like assistance with, then please email my office at [email protected] or by phone on 0207 219 7032.